Tribal Workarounds

In the absence of knowledge comes ‘this is how I got it to work.” People and groups will fill in gaps in knowledge. If you either don’t train people, or your product leaves areas of ambiguity, then people will take the easiest path forward – they’ll either give up, or,…

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I’ve been re-reading Adam Grant’s book, Originals for the third time and this time, focusing on increasing output and not increasing quality. Sounds backwards doesn’t it? Most people I’ve worked with in the past want to create brilliant work but what Adam points out is, even geniuses like da Vinci…

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Engineering-glish:  The act of speaking to end-users as if they were engineers. I have a new analogy that I’m using with software engineers. Every time I hear “why would someone do that?” or “They should know not to do that…” my response is now, “How many of you drive over…

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