St Pete Open Coffee

I’ve recently started St Pete Open Coffee which meets weekly at Kahwa on 204 2nd S in downtown. Why? Because I’m sick of hearing people say “I didn’t know that was going on or I would have come.”  Who knew that BitPay was in downtown St Pete? How about Squaremouth,…

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Tour of New Zealand! (Auckland)

As luck hard work would have it, @IamAgile sits on the Board of Directors for Agile Alliance for 2015-2018. This years board meeting was in Wellington, New Zealand – definitely one of the most beautiful and diverse countries I’ve visited. The food is all organic, there’s a thriving craft beer…

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Tour of Italy!

For @iamagile‘s and my honeymoon we finally got to hit Italy. We’ve both travelled extensively for our careers in Asia, Europe and Australia but never got to see Italy. For almost three weeks we visited Florence, Venice and Rome. First impressions? The art history here is unbelievably deep and wide.…

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This post is a little different. It’s about earning self-respect. Respect from others comes from winning or being honest even when it runs against your best interests. Self-respect is earned from winning over yourself. It comes from honest introspection, recognizing your own dragons. And then slaying their asses. This week…

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One of the things I picked up when I worked in North Carolina was a love of barbecue. Over the past couple of months I’ve been picking up a Boston butt when I see one with a good fat cap and putting going low and slow with it. It’s turning out…

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Ignite Tampa Bay

Ignite Tampa Bay is returning in 2013. Twenty slides. Fifteen seconds each. All you get is five minutes to tell us what you’re passionate about. The venue, date and time are all open at this point. What’s Tampa Bay excited about? What are you really passionate about? Enlighten us, share your…

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