Reading Speed.

Basically everything we’re involved with today is text based. One key skill I see all the time that’s lacking is the ability to consume that text and be able to retain it. I see people reading word-for-word, or moving their mouth while they read. Even if you’re not mouthing every…

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Your Audience

When presenting new ideas and concepts, nothing else is as important is knowing who your audience is. The phrase “know your audience” is an obvious cliche yet people still don’t consider it when they put a presentation together.  Ask yourself this: what’s the reason people will want to sit in…

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Presenting Ideas

For the rest of this month I’ll be putting together a series of posts that focus on presenting thoughts and ideas in a way that people will understand and gravitate towards. If you’re a seasoned presenter then nothing here will be new. Much of the posts will be based on…

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